Contractor Found For La Ronge Natural Gas Project
Thursday, April 10, 2008 at 15:42
Another major hurdle has been passed in the construction of a natural gas pipeline for La Ronge and area.
SaskEnergy has awarded a pipeline contract to Saskatchewan company Timberline.
Dean Read, with SaskEnergy, says with brush clearing well underway — it won’t be too long before gas is flowing to the northern community.
But he says weather conditions will dictate how quickly progress will be made.
Read says construction on the pipeline will begin as soon as possible, with the most intensive work slated to begin in May or June.
He says the Ramsay Bay-Weyakwin area should have service this fall, but it will likely take until March 2009 for La Ronge to receive service.
When plans for the project were first announced in November 2006, the utility was hoping to have natural gas in La Ronge by the spring of 2008.