Contest Puts Spotlight On Reserve Seatbelt Use

Friday, December 05, 2008 at 14:54



An FSIN spokesperson says it was great to see First Nations take part in a recent challenge to increase seatbelt use.


But Crystal Janvier, the FSIN’s injury prevention program manager, says much more can be done.


Yesterday in North Battleford, it was announced that the Onion Lake First Nation won a challenge to increase seatbelt use on-reserve.


Onion Lake had a 28.2 per cent increase in seatbelt usage, beating out the Sweetgrass and Thunderchild First Nations.


SGI officials say 100 per cent of vehicle-related fatalities on First Nations involve people not wearing seatbelts.


Janvier says myths about seatbelt use are common on reserves.


Accoring to Janvier, reserve residents are used to not wearing seatbelts — because many believe the RCMP can’t issue a ticket on the reserve because of jurisdictional issues, which is false.


She adds the FSIN and SGI are working on a strategy to improve safety on reserves.