Commons To Apologize To Residential School Victims

Tuesday, May 01, 2007 at 14:49



The Tory government says it will support a Liberal motion calling on the House of Commons to apologize to the survivors of residential schools.


The motion was put forward this morning by northern Saskatchewan MP Gary Merasty.


A vote is expected on the motion later today.


The Liberals, NDP and Bloc Quebecois had earlier expressed support for the measure.


Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice confirmed in the Commons this morning that the Conservatives would also support the motion.


However, the Tories are not backing away from refusing to have the government formally apologize — most notably, Prime Minister Stephen Harper.


In debate this morning, Yukon Liberal MP Larry Bagnell became emotional and broke down in tears when recalling a request for an apology from Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine.


(with files from Broadcast News)