Coderre in Ile-a-la-Crosse to Talk with Metis
Thursday, January 29, 2004 at 15:22
Metis in Northwest Saskatchewan have the ear of the federal government today.
The minister responsible for Metis issues is in Ile-a-la-Crosse for a visit with community members and Metis leaders.
Denis Coderre is in the northern village for the launch of a research project designed to enhance the economic development opportunities of Metis on the west side.
Metis National Council president Clem Chartier says the 1-million-dollar project has great potential.
Chartier says the 5-year project will include a study of how traditional land use can best serve the Metis.
Chartier is also using today’s gathering to press Coderre for better health coverage and services for Metis people.
Coderre is also being asked to jumpstart negotiations regarding compensation for Metis communities affected by the creation of the Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range.