CNSC Recommends 3-Year Licence at McArthur River

Monday, June 07, 2004 at 14:29



The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is recommending the operating licence for Cameco’s McArthur River uranium mine be renewed for another 3 years, instead of 5 years.


Cameco has requested a 5-year renewal, but documents released by the CNSC last week indicate the commission is more comfortable with extending the licence for another 3 years, instead.


At issue is the flooding of the underground mine at McArthur River last year.


The documents indicate the CNSC hasn’t had time to fully monitor new measures Cameco implemented at McArthur River in the aftermath of the flooding.


Cameco spokesman Lyle Krahn says while the company would prefer the stability a 5-year licence would bring, he says the company understands the commission’s reasoning.


Cameco’s licence renewal will be the focus of a hearing July 7th in Ottawa.