Chiefs Meet To Discuss Concerns About Pipeline

Monday, September 15, 2008 at 13:07



Leaders of several First Nations in western Canada have assembled in Edmonton today for a strategic planning meeting about the Enbridge Pipeline.


The leaders are concerned about a perceived lack of consultation over the line, which began getting constructed in late August.


Red Pheasant First Nation Chief Sheldon Wuttunee says his band has talked with the company about its work on Red Pheasant traditional lands.


However, according to the chief, the company hasn’t been doing what it said it would in terms of contracts and employment.


But a spokesman for Enbridge insists the company is fulfilling its obligations to the band under the terms of a bilateral agreement.


Enbridge Aboriginal relations director Morgan Yates says his company has looked at quotes and tenders submitted to Enbridge by Red Pheasant for various construction efforts.


However, he says the bids simply haven’t been competitive.


But he adds Enbridge looks forward to accepting more quotes as further construction gets underway.


Enbridge began construction efforts near Bethune, Saskatchewan last month and hopes to have the pipeline operating by 2010.


Once complete, the line will reportedly ship over 400,000 barrels of oil a day south of the border.