Chiefs Gather At FSIN Spring Assembly

Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 14:34



First Nations chiefs, band councillors and elders from across the province are in Saskatoon today for the start of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations’ spring legislative assembly.


Tomorrow, FSIN Vice-Chief Morley Watson is scheduled to provide a status report on the federation’s confidential gaming negotiations with the province — but that part of the assembly will be closed to the media.


Also tomorrow, FSIN Vice-Chief Guy Lonechild and Saskatchewan Community Resources Minister Buckley Belanger will officially unveil plans to establish the Saskatchewan First Nations Family and Community Institute. The institute will be a central place of support for the 18 First Nations child and family agencies in the province.


The Assembly of First Nations’ proposed national day of action on June 29th is also expected to generate a lot of discussion this week — although FSIN Chief Lawrence Joseph has repeatedly stated he doesn’t want to see blockades in this province.