Chiefs Expected To OK AFN Universal Vote Idea

Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 15:24



One of the people who helped pen a report calling on the Assembly of First Nation to hold a universal vote doesn’t think Canada’s chiefs will oppose the measure.


The AFN Renewal Commission recently recommended that the vote for national chief take place in every reserve in the country and in urban centres, as well.


The proposal will eventually have to be voted on by Canada’s chiefs at an AFN assembly


Commission spokesman Joe Miskokomon says the call for a “one member, one vote” process came not just from grassroots people, but from First Nations leaders, as well.


He notes that in consultation meetings held across Canada, 40 per cent of the participants were First Nations chiefs or councillors — and the desire for a universal vote came up over and over again.


Miskokomon says the AFN Renewal Commission knows there will be logistical hurdles to clear, but he believes a universal vote with a budget of $6 million is feasible.