Chief Wonders About Reactor’s Impact On Waterways

Monday, June 15, 2009 at 13:53



The location of a possible nuclear power plant is a key concern for the Red Pheasant First Nation, according to Chief Sheldon Wuttunee.


An Ontario power company has proposed building a nuclear power plant somewhere along the North Saskatchewan River.


They say it could be located anywhere along the river, from Prince Albert to Lloydminster.


The company says it will announce its preferred location this fall, after a government panel releases a report on the future of uranium in Saskatchewan.


Wuttunee says if an area near the Battlefords is chosen, the Red Pheasant band has a lot of treaty entitlement land right where the plant might be located.


The band has concerns about the waterways and ecosystems in their traditional territory that might be affected by construction of a nuclear reactor.


Wuttunee says his band still hopes to meet with officials involved in the process, before a decision is made this fall.