Chief Stoked About Meeting With Obama’s Advisors

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 15:18



A Saskatchewan First Nations chief says he’s optimistic the incoming president of the United States will help create meaningful change for First Nations in Canada.


Sheldon Wuttunee of the Red Pheasant First Nation just wrapped up a meeting with Barack Obama’s transition team in Washington.


He and several other chiefs wanted to send a message to Obama that they want to work with the US on issues affecting both countries.


Wuttunee says he’s been impressed with what he’s heard so far.


Wuttunee adds Obama’s team seemed to realize how important resource development issues are to bands in Saskatchewan.


He says the Enbridge pipeline is just one example of a project that requires careful consultation with First Nations.


Wuttunee says First Nations want to be consulted on par with municipalities and the provincial when it comes to the pipeline.


He hopes new policies from the new president will spur governments in Canada to do a better job on the duty to consult file.