Chartier Skeptical Of Harrison’s Promises

Friday, January 06, 2006 at 15:22



Metis National Council president Clem Chartier is expressing skepticism about campaign pledges made by Conservative MP Jeremy Harrison.


Chartier doubts the Tories will come through with the compensation pledged to the Ile-a-la-Crosse boarding school survivors — most of whom are Metis.


Chartier says he, himself, attended that boarding school and he’s familiar with the desperation the former students have in wanting to be included in a compensation deal for residential school survivors.


However, Chartier says he’s not convinced Harrison’s statements on the issue are Tory policy.


Chartier also isn’t optimistic the Conservatives will provide Metis war veterans with compensation, either.


Harrison says Conservative party leader Stephen Harper just made a major policy announcement on veterans, and adds the Tories have publicly committed to providing compensation to all Aboriginal war veterans.


Harrison also maintains his pledges concerning the Ile-a-la-Crosse boarding school are also Conservative policy.