Change Of Venue Approved For Pelletier Inquest

Monday, August 18, 2008 at 14:33



Saskatchewan’s chief medical coroner says he’s hopeful a change in venue will address concerns surrounding an upcoming inquest.


On October 20th, a five-day hearing will be held to examine the circumstances surrounding the death of 44-year-old Delbert Kenneth Pelletier.


The Muskowekwan band member was shot and killed by police during a standoff on the reserve in November 2006.


The matter was scheduled to be heard in the reserve’s bingo hall, but family members objected to the location.


Dr. Kent Stewart says the inquest will now be held in a community hall of the neighbouring village of Lestock.


A six-member jury will be struck to preside over the matter when it begins.


The inquest is scheduled to last five days.