Challenger to Laliberte Drops Out of Race
Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 14:44
The race to secure the Liberal nomination for the northern Saskatchewan riding of Churchill River has one less candidate.
Allan Adam announced today he is dropping out of the race due to personal reasons.
The interim leader of the Denesuline National Council says he wishes the remaining challenger to incumbent Rick Laliberte, Al Ducharme, well — but now feels this is not the time to enter the North’s political scene.
The Prince Albert resident also notes some constituents have expressed discomfort at the idea of having someone living outside the riding representing the constituency, and he admits he would have been a “parachute candidate”.
Adam adds he looks forward to continuing his work for the Dene people at the Denesuline gathering this summer in Dillon.
Executive members of the Liberal constituency association for Churchill River have made it clear they want candidates to challenge Laliberte for the nomination