Canoe Lake Holds Election Act Referendum

Wednesday, November 04, 2009 at 13:27



The Canoe Lake First Nation is holding a referendum today on whether to adopt their own custom election code.


Voting is underway at the Canoe Lake band hall at Canoe Narrows, and is expected to wrap up tonight at 8:00.


The proposed election act would include staggered four-year terms for elected officials — rather than a full election every two years.


Chief Guy Lariviere says the new act also has strict candidacy requirements, and a way for band members to remove or suspend the chief or councillors.


In order for the new act to be adopted, a majority of Canoe Lake band members must take part, and most of them must vote in favour — although Lariviere says Indian Affairs may be flexible even if voter turnout is a bit low.


To increase participation, the band held information meetings in several communities both in July and in mid-October, with advance polls held last week in Saskatoon and Meadow Lake.