Calvert Says Native Groups Involved In Mill Deal
Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 15:21
Premier Lorne Calvert insists a deal to re-open the Prince Albert pulp mill involves Aboriginal groups extensively.
The provincial government has been criticized by the Montreal Lake Cree Nation for not involving it in negotiations with Domtar in the lead-up to yesterday’s announcement.
But Calvert says talks are on-going with the Montreal Lake to get their approval to harvest wood from the affected Forest Management Agreement area.
He notes one of the conditions listed in the MOU to make this deal final is further consultations with the Aboriginal community.
Montreal Lake Chief Lionel Bird says the province has yet to adequately respond to a related proposal from his band.
Bird says the First Nation might even resort to blockades if its interests in its traditional territory are not considered.
He says legal action is another option.