Calvert Orders Study Into All-Weather Roads

Friday, April 08, 2005 at 16:03



A letter written by Premier Lorne Calvert has brought smiles to the faces of an all-weather road committee in the Far North.


The chair of the Athabasca Transportation Planning Committee says the message indicates Calvert has instructed his officials to begin work on the road proposal as soon as possible.


Strong says that pledge didn’t seem likely following last month’s budget announcement, since there was no mention of any money for the road.


Strong says the province is still trying to get the federal government to help fund the project, and recently began targetting Indian and Northern Affairs.


Strong adds the next order of business will be to finish a cost-benefit analysis so the government can determine which of its departments will profit the most from the road.


He adds the government has also committed to upgrading the Athabasca seasonal road, as well.