Call Made for Dene Translators at Youth Assembly

Friday, May 14, 2004 at 14:36



A delegate from a northern Saskatchewan Dene community is calling on the FSIN to provide translators at its next legislative assembly for youth.


Teenage band members from across the province have spent the last three days in Prince Albert hearing speeches and giving feedback on issues that include economic development, alcohol addiction and health.


One of those traveling back home today is 17-year-old Ferris Lemaigre of the Clearwater River Dene Nation.


Selected by her school to attend the gathering, Lemaigre says she has enjoyed hearing from officials with the FSIN about issues affecting her future, particularly in the area of education.


Lemaigre says she has no regrets about the conference, but one thing she would change for future gatherings is the lack of Dene translators who are at the event.


The issue was raised when one delegate from a northern Dene community asked vice chiefs from the FSIN a question in his own language and no one could answer him.


Lemaigre says she believes it would be in everyone’s best interests to address that issue for future conferences.