Buffalo Narrows Ponders Freeze on Lot Development

Thursday, October 21, 2004 at 13:35



Village council in Buffalo Narrows will be making a decision next week about what to do with a motion passed at a public meeting held Tuesday night.


The motion calls for the village to a put a 2-year moratorium on the selling of lots in the community.


Local Metis leader Philip Chartier says there are currently 60 lots available in what he calls prime river territory.


Already, residents of northern Alberta have started to buy up real estate in Buffalo Narrows in anticipation of the expected boom in tourism when the link between La Loche and Fort McMurray is completed.


Chartier says many people in the community want the moratorium in place in case they’re in a better financial position to buy those lots after the road has been built.


Mayor Bobby Woods says while municipal law allows for motions to be passed at public meetings, they are not binding unless the village council approves them.


The council will be making a decision on that at it’s next meeting this coming Monday.