Bishop Urges Openness In Truth Commission

Thursday, June 14, 2007 at 13:33



A conference is getting underway in Calgary today to help shape the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools.


The establishment of a truth commission is part of the comprehensive settlement reached between the survivors, Aboriginal groups, the churches and the government.


The commission is scheduled to begin its work in the fall.


The Roman Catholic bishop who oversees the diocese in northern Saskatchewan will be one of the speakers at the 4-day event.


Bishop Sylvain Lavoie will talk about the relationship between the churches and Aboriginal people.


Lavoie says the churches and the government can’t have any defensiveness in this process, if it’s going to work.


He says the truth needs to come out as to what was the main motivation behind the residential schools.


The conference will also hear from the commissioners of the truth commissions in South Africa and Peru, as well as the man who helped broker the residential school compensation agreement — former Supreme Court justice Frank Iacobucci.


Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine and Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice are also making appearances.