Beer Bottle Ban May Expand in North

Saturday, May 14, 2005 at 14:38



The northern community of La Loche has been piloting a project that bans the sale of beer in glass bottles and is now offering to extend the ban to other northern communities.


The community partnered with the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority to ban the sale of beer in glass bottles in liquor stores, off-sale outlets and bars.


La Loche Mayor Georgina Jolibois says the ban came into effect through a request from community members.


Jolibois says the community felt the ban would promote safety through the elimination of broken glass on the ground, reducing litter, injuries, and property damage.


Jolibois is now recommending that other northern communities institute the bottle ban also.


When contacted by MBC, Both La Ronge Mayor Joe Hordyski and Buffalo Narrows Mayor Bobby Woods said they will meet with their council members to discuss the idea of enforcing the ban and mull over the effects such an initiative would have on their communities.


Hordyski hopes to discuss the issue during the next La Ronge town council meeting on May 25th.