BATC Hoping To Establish Native Health Centre

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 14:56



By this time next year, a health facility for Aboriginal people could be in place in the Battlefords.


That’s the goal of the Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs.


BATC Chair Sheldon Wuttunee says the tribal council has received complaints from Aboriginal people about current health delivery.


So he says the BATC plans to set up its own health care facility — although he is not sure if it will be a hospital or a clinic.


Wuttunee prefers not to specify the nature of the complaints.


But he says one issue is that some traditional First Nations healing methods aren’t recognized in conventional health care.


The BATC has been working on the project for about six months.


BATC officials plan to hold talks on the matter with Prairie North Health Region officials in June.