Band Enters Deal To Capitalize On Wind Power

Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 13:43



The chief of the Beardy’s/Okemasis First Nation says he’s hopeful a new partnership with a wind power company will create revenue for his band.


This week, the band and Ontario-based Skypower announced an agreement to develop the Willow Cree Wind Project.


The idea is to create a series of wind-powered turbines that will generate electricity to provide power to an estimated 30,000 homes annually.


Chief Rick Gamble says that power will then be sold to SaskPower for a profit his band will share in.


Gamble says the new 100-megawatt wind park will be constructed on land near Dafoe that the band purchased with TLE money a few years ago.


He adds the site the park will be built on is located on one of the highest junctures in the province.


According to Gamble, construction could begin as early as next year.