AUCC Gives FNUC High Marks For Programming

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 at 14:45



The chairman of a committee assigned to review the First Nations University of Canada says he is satisfied the school offers good academic programming.


Charles Jago and two other university presidents toured the FNUC’s three Saskatchewan campuses last week and talked to students, teachers and staff about the school’s direction.


Jago says he also spoke to officials at the University of Regina about the quality of the education taught, and came away impressed with their assessment of the FNUC’s performance.


Jago says the news was welcome to hear, since he and his colleagues entered their investigation with a number of outstanding questions concerning academic freedom and political interference.


Jago and the other members of the review panel will hand down recommendations next year about possible changes the university should consider.


They were assigned to the task by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada after controversy erupted at the school last year.