Atleo Open To Review Of AFN Election Rules

Friday, August 14, 2009 at 15:19



Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo says rules for voting for the organization’s top job could change soon.


He says several chiefs have said they would like to see some changes in the voting rules.


Some say the current one-band, one-vote system is unfair, because small bands have the same clout as bands with far more members.


Critics argue that is how Atleo got elected in July, because many small B.C. bands voted for him.


So Atleo expects the issue to come up for discussion — possibly as soon as the AFN’s winter assembly.


Meanwhile, athough he comes from a non-treaty province, Atleo says he represents all First Nations.


As a result, he says he will be lobbying the federal government to live up to the promises made in the treaties.


Atleo notes he got support from chiefs across Canada, including Chief Wallace Fox of the Onion Lake Cree Nation.


Atleo says that shows chiefs in treaty areas like the Prairies are confident he can represent their interests on treaties.


He says he intends to show them he can and will advocate treaty advancement.


Atleo made the comments while attending the closing ceremonies of the Saskatchewan First Nations Summer Games at the Onion Lake Cree Nation yesterday.