Athabasca Employers Oppose End To OT Exemption

Monday, September 11, 2006 at 14:30



An MLA that’s reviewing the province’s controversial northern overtime exemption says the labour law generated a mixed reaction at public meetings held in the Far North last week.


Ron Harper says a number of people echoed the concerns about the legislation heard at other northern meetings.


But Harper says there were also a few businesspeople in attendance who weren’t so keen to see the exemption done away with. He adds their stance softened when they learned any change would probably be done gradually, and not suddenly.


Harper says he didn’t get the turnout he was hoping for in the Athabasca region, but hopes to get better numbers when he holds a similar public gathering in La Ronge this evening.


That meeting is scheduled to get started at 7:00 at the La Ronge Motor Hotel.