Anti-Gang Advocates Hope To Reach Younger Children

Tuesday, December 02, 2008 at 15:08



The Saskatoon Gang Strategy hopes to use the arts in the New Year to teach young children about the dangers of gangs.


Harvey Thunderchild works with the strategy and regularly makes presentations in schools.


Thunderchild spoke today at the 2nd Annual National Aboriginal Justice Conference taking place in Saskatoon.


He says sometimes it’s difficult to explain things to younger children, so he thought showing them would be helpful.


Thunderchild says his group approached the Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company to develop a play for children aged 10 to 15 years of age — because SNTC had already done a play about gangs that targeted high school students and adults.


He says he’s noticed that children in Grade 5 are already starting to “have that gang mentality”.


Thunderchild hopes the play begins circulating Saskatoon schools in January or February.