All-Weather Road Impact Process Underway

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 15:21



Efforts to begin construction of an all-weather road project in the Far North are continuing this fall.


Glen Strong, the head of the committee leading the project, says his group is currently gathering information about how and where a road to Wollaston would be built.


Details of that particular study will then be turned over to Saskatchewan Environment for feedback.


After that, an environmental assessment can begin.


Strong says neither level of government has stepped forward yet to offer funding for construction of the project, but he is hopeful of hearing something soon.


He adds public consultations will take place with anyone who stands to be affected by the road.


Strong says environmental assessments will also be taking place on the road to Points North and Stony Rapids.


He adds one was already completed for Black Lake some years back but may have to be looked at again.