Air Ronge Residents to Boil Water Another 2 Weeks

Thursday, June 03, 2004 at 14:51



A boil water order in Air Ronge and some surrounding reserves will stay in place for another 2 weeks.


Local health and environment officials have decided to keep the order in place in order to allow both the village and the band time to completely flush their water systems.


Even though initial tests on the water have come back clean, officials can’t guarantee the absence of cryptosporidium in the water supply unless they do a clean sweep of the entire system.


The process will include the cleaning and swabbing of water cisterns, reservoirs and distribution lines in Air Ronge, Bell’s Point, Mikisiw, Bigstone, Fairchild and Far Reserve.


Northern medical health officer Dr. James Irvine says local officials want to make sure they take every precaution in this situation.


As recently as yesterday, local officials were hopeful the boil water order would be lifted today.


The emergency order was issued Monday after concerns that a ruptured sewage line at the water treatment plant may have contaminated the water supply.