Air Ronge Residents Looking Ahead to Thursday

Wednesday, June 02, 2004 at 13:38



Tests conducted on Air Ronge’s water supply by the Lac La Ronge Indian Band have come back clean, but Saskatchewan Environment is still waiting to hear from its provincial lab before making a decision on the boil water order in the community.


Department spokesman Warren Kelly says while the band’s test samples can be considered fairly reliable, the provincial lab’s test results will carry the most weight.


The first test results from the lab are expected today.


They were taken from Air Ronge’s water system on Monday.


A second round of tests was conducted yesterday and the results will be made available tomorrow.


Kelly says the boil water order will remain in effect until two consecutive sets of tests come back clean.


The emergency order was issued in Air Ronge and the surrounding reserves after workers noticed that a sewer line had burst, possibly contaminating the water supply.


Health officials say there’s been no increase in visits to health care providers in the last couple of days.


Acting medical health officer Dr. Brenda Cholin says they’re expecting little or no health impacts from those that may have consumed the water.