AFN Pushing For Native Financial Stimulus Package

Friday, December 05, 2008 at 15:03



The national chief of the Assembly of First Nations says he wants to see a financial stimulus package for First Nations.


Phil Fontaine says the economic situation for many bands is dire, and the proroguing of Parliament doesn’t do anything to address that.


He says First Nations have suffered in the good economic times, so they are very concerned about the bad times.


As a result, the AFN will present its own stimulus package at a special chiefs assembly set to take place in Ottawa next week.


Fontaine says the plan is designed to ensure First Nations are fully able to participate in the economy despite the troubled times.


The national chief says the AFN will be immediately requesting meetings with all the political parties to discuss its economic proposals in advance of January’s federal budget and the proposed First Ministers Meeting on the Economy.


Fontaine says the First Ministers Meeting, which would include Aboriginal leaders, is an ideal opportunity to confirm a national strategy for First Nations.