AFN Chief Hopeful Pledges Action On Women’s Issues

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 15:33



A candidate running to become the next national chief of the Assembly of First Nations says he wants to see women’s issues given more priority at the national level.


John Beaucage says matrimonial real property and violence are just two examples of issues affecting First Nations women that need more attention.


He says half his campaign team is composed of female members, and he would like to see half of all First Nations represented by female chiefs some day.


Beaucage says he likes the work being done at the AFN Women’s Commission, but he believes it could go much further into all of the issues that women are concerned about.


He says, ultimately, all issues addressed by the AFN should take women’s views into account.


The AFN national chief election takes place in Calgary in July.


Beaucage’s competition at this point consists of B.C. Aboriginal leader Shawn Atleo and former FSIN chief Perry Bellegarde.