AFN Calling On Ottawa To Introduce “Kelowna Plus”

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 13:37



The Assembly of First Nations is pitching the idea of an economic stimulus package for First Nations to the federal government.


Yesterday, National Chief Phil Fontaine unveiled a financial wishlist of sorts called “Kelowna Plus”.


The AFN is calling on Ottawa to build on the previously-cancelled Kelowna Accord.


In addition to the commitments laid out in the previous deal, Fontaine says Ottawa must address the infrastructure crisis on First Nations with a focus on housing and water.


As well, he says the government needs to ensure on-reserve residents have the necessary skills to contribute effectively to their local economies.


Fontaine also wants bands to be included in sustainable, long-term projects.


He says the investments would also be accompanied by structural reform to address the need for two-way accountability between First Nations and the government.