Affordable Housing Projects Open Across The North

Thursday, August 30, 2007 at 15:25



Several northern communities have been celebrating affordable housing initiatives over the last couple of days.


A $1.5-million-dollar affordable housing project in La Loche officially opened today.


The six rental duplexes provide a total of 12 four-bedroom suites for low-income families.


In a related story, residents in Beauval today marked the construction of eight one-bedroom affordable housing units.


The total cost of the project was $660,800.


The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation each contributed $180,000, with the northern Village of Beauval providing an in-kind contribution of land.


The remaining balance was contributed by the developers in the form of equity and mortgage financing.


Yesterday, a two-unit rental housing development for low-income singles and small families officially opened in Ile-a-la-Crosse.


The $62,000 project involved the conversion of a single detached unit into a duplex consisting of 1 two-bedroom and 1 one-bedroom unit.


The two units bring to 10 the number of conversion/relocation units for singles and small families in Ile a la Crosse that have been developed with provincial funding in the last three years.


Community Resources Minister Kevin Yates says there’s more housing help on the way — news that’s being welcomed by Ile-a-la-Crosse Mayor Duane Favel.


Meanwhile, the provincial government says it will spend $300,000 to see four new energy-efficient housing units for seniors built in Pinehouse.


The units will utilize solar energy and energy-efficient furnaces.


Village councillor Vince Natomagan says this will address a great need in his community — and notes elders in Pinehouse currently reside in unsuitable homes.


Natomagan expects the units to be ready by Christmas.