Adjudicators Having Trouble Meeting IAP Targets

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 15:22



The chief adjudicator in charge of residential school compensation claims says IAP claims are being processed at a slower pace than had been projected.


Daniel Ish estimates just over 2,100 claims will have been dealt with in the year ending March 19th.


The goal was to have 2,500 processed in Year One.


Ish says there hasn’t been enough trained adjudicators available to handle the caseload — but that will change as the Independent Assessment Process moves into its second year of hearings.


To date, roughly 6,600 claims have come in since the Independent Assessment Process was introduced in September 2007.


Ish says it’s unclear how many more will be filed before the program concludes in 2012 — although his office has estimated it will be in the neighbourhood of 12,500 claims.


He says new claims are coming in at a rate of about 80 a week.