Aboriginals Forgotten In Economic Crisis: AFN

Thursday, October 09, 2008 at 16:27



The national chief of the Assembly of First Nations is warning the political parties to not forget about First Nations people during the looming economic crisis.


Phil Fontaine says First Nations people have been forgotten during good economic times, and says it seems the same is happening now that times are not so good.


He says many First Nations people already live in poverty, and warns those who are the nation’s poorest will be hit hardest if the economy takes a turn for the worst.


He says there needs to be a plan to ensure First Nations people are benefitting equally.


Meanwhile, Fontaine says he was impressed with the responses he received from four political parties to a questionnaire the AFN sent out on First Nations issues, but says he is very concerned that Stephen Harper never responded and that the Conservative platform has “no investment at all” in First Nations people.