Aboriginal Union Starts Membership Drive
Thursday, June 16, 2005 at 15:04
A union has been established in this province that’s specifically geared at Aboriginal people.
The Aboriginal Skilled Workers Association has formed a partnership with the Canadian Union of Skilled Workers, and is aimed primarily at First Nations and Metis people in contruction or the trades.
However, association chair Errol Eashappie says his group is willing to represent people in other occupations.
Eashappie says his association is needed, because Native people are sorely under-represented in unions right now.
Eashappie admits unions haven’t been a popular idea amongst Aboriginal leaders, but says he’s seeing signs that’s starting to change. In fact, he claims the FSIN has been supportive of his efforts recently.
The union started a membership drive not too long ago, and Eashappie says there seems to be a great deal of interest in the North.
At present, the fledgling union has 60 members.