12-Year-Old Burning Suspect Free On Bail
Friday, May 05, 2006 at 15:33
A 12-year-old La Ronge girl accused of setting a woman on fire last week has been released from custody, pending her next court appearance.
Provincial court judge Wilfred Tucker made the decision at the girl’s bail hearing earlier this morning.
The Crown had opposed the girl’s release, but Tucker rejected its argument that her release would cause the public to lose confidence in the justice system.
Tucker also noted the Crown conceded there is no evidence at all that the youth would be a danger to the community if released.
He then released the girl into the custody of a family member on a number of conditions, including that she report to a youth court worker and be in the presence of an approved adult guardian anytime she is outside of her home.
The accused entered a plea of “not guilty” to a charge of aggravated assault this morning.
She will be back in court May 25th in La Ronge.