PA Youth Wins RCMP Aboriginal Logo Contest
Monday, June 23, 2003 at 12:41
A Prince Albert youth has been named the winner of an RCMP Aboriginal Policing Service logo contest.
13 year old Meagan Ferris was one of hundreds of students to send in their artwork for the competition.
Meagan drew upon her family’s Metis roots to design the logo, which depicts a metis sash, red river cart, the colors of the Healing Circle, a teepee, a wolf for good luck and a female RCMP officer.
RCMP spokesperson Heather Russell says the committee chose Meaghan’s logo as it best represented all Aboriginal views as well as the diverse culture that the RCMP interact with on a daily basis.
Russell says while she’s not sure exactly how many entries they recieved, she’s thrilled at how many students from Northern Saskatchewan participated in the contest.