P.A. Metis Students Worry About University Funding

Thursday, July 17, 2003 at 13:44




About two dozen Metis students in Prince Albert are wondering how they’ll pay for university tuition this fall.


The federal government announced earlier this year that Metis students would only be eligible for grants through their local offices if they attend trade schools or technical institutes.


The leader of the Metis Nation in Prince Albert, Merle Fiddler, says that’s short-sighted. He says the government knows Canada will be short of skilled trade-people soon, but continues to ignore the Aboriginal population which could fill the gap.


He also feels it’s wrong to cut off funding for the students that are about to gradutate.


Fiddler says Metis people aren’t satisfied with general labourer jobs any more, and want to enter specialized fields like health care and law.


He claims Ottawa is ignoring the skills and talents they have to offer.