Martin Re-elected as Chief in Fond du Lac

Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at 13:51




Members of the Fond du Lac First Nation have decided to stick with their current chief, but overhaul their band council.


In what’s being called one of the biggest voter turnouts in Fond du Lac’s history, incumbent chief Eddie Martin was re-elected to a third term in office on Friday.


Martin had 3 challengers for his job, but still managed to pick up 135 votes — almost twice the amount of votes received by his closest competitor.


Meantime, Fond du Lac’s band council will have a new look, as only one of the six incumbents was able to hang on to his job. Incumbent Willie John Laurent will be joined on council by Justin Mercredi, Napoleon Paquette, George McDonald, former chief Caroline Isadore and Clifford Lidgueurre.


Mercredi received the most votes among the candidates for council, and for that reason, will serve as acting chief whenever Chief Martin is away on business.