Mad Cow Scare Endangering Northern Plant

Tuesday, July 15, 2003 at 13:24




Layoff notices have been handed out to all employees at a La Ronge based plant owned by the Lac La Ronge Indian Band.


It’s looking like Kitsaki Meats will close it’s doors for good in March of 2004.


The band had already planned to close the doors of the current location in June of next year because the building no longer met federal government requirements for a meat processing plant.


Spokesman Ray McKay says plans to move the business to a new location came to a halt when banks lost interest after the mad cow crisis.


McKay says unless the borders open up soon to beef exports, it’s unlikely Kitsaki will be able to stay in the meat processing business.


McKay says the mad cow scare has negatively impact Kitsaki Meats sales in some areas by over 50 percent.