La Loche Airport Getting a Facelift

Monday, July 14, 2003 at 15:11




Improvements to the La Loche airport are set to begin this week.


The first phase of the project is a 240-metre extension to the runway and is slated to start tomorrow. The runway will still be open to air traffic, but planes will have to give 30 minutes notice prior to landing.


Phase 2 of the project will begin around the end of July and will require the airport to close for approximately 5 days.


The work being done during phase 2 will see the entire runway, taxiway and apron area being resurfaced.


The final phase of improvements is set to start in mid-August and will see the installation of a new Precision Approach Path Indicator system which helps guide planes to land. No traffic interruptions are expected during this stage of the project.


Transportation Minister Mark Wartman says these improvements will help to better serve the needs of the airport users and surrounding communities.